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Who Are We?

2nd Avenue Press is an independent poetry publisher located in the stunningly beautiful state of Virginia. We believe that there’s a need for poetry–growing more and more as each day passes.

"Worse even
than your maddening
song, your silence"

-Sylvia Plath 

"A poem begins as a

lump in the throat,

a sense of wrong, a

homesickness, a lovesickness"

-Robert Frost

We don’t care about what degree you have, or whether you have one at all. In fact, we’d prefer to keep the spotlight on the poetry. Don’t bother trying to impress us in any other way than your words and obvious passion for the voice you are adding to the world through your collection.

Send us what makes your soul sing. Be confessional. Create new senses through words. Don’t beat around the bush. Tell us what you hold dear and what you fear. Submit what you need to say, instead of what you think publishers want to hear. We don’t like pretty; we like real. We want to read what the soul NEEDS to write at 3 am.

"Finite to fail,

but infinite

to venture"

-Emily Dickinson

"Only those who will risk going

too far can possibly find

out how far one can go"

-t.s. Eliot

Don’t view us the way you do any other publisher. We are 2nd Avenue Press. We are as unique as the poetry collection that you’ll submit to us.

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